Jul 29, 2017Being Fed - The Bread Of LifeMost of us take for granted having our basic needs met. We have a roof over our head, clothes to wear, probably a job that pays us...
Jul 17, 2017Finding IdentityPsalm68Five Ministries desires to provide fatherless kids the opportunity to discover who their Heavenly Father is and what their...
Apr 21, 2017Psalm68Five SymposiumThe Psalm68Five team just spent an amazing three days on the campus of Wheaton College with some of the greatest minds in the world of...
Apr 18, 2017J.I. Packer "The Revelation of Fatherhood""You sum up the whole of New Testament teaching in a single phrase, if you speak of it as a revelation of the Fatherhood of the holy...
Jan 7, 20172016 Year End NewsletterDear Psalm68five supporters, Thank you so much for interest, your support and especially for your prayers for fatherless children and our...