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Finding Identity

Psalm68Five Ministries desires to provide fatherless kids the opportunity to discover who their Heavenly Father is and what their identity is as children of the King. Everyone struggles with identity and who they are and what their place is in the world. Our identities are heavily influenced by the people who are closest to us. There is something deeply formational about the roles of our mothers and fathers in our lives, particularly when we are children. Kids instinctively sense a void whenever they do not have a father in their lives, whether or not they are cognizant of it. They need the affirmation, challenging, and love that only comes from a father. Psalm68Five longs to introduce kids to the God who will always be their loving Father no matter what happens. He will never leave them nor forsake them (Deut. 31:6).  He is there to dry their tears, to hold them in His open arms, and to put His mark on them saying they are His. Psalm68five hopes for kids to take pride in their identity as children of the King. This is a knowledge they will grow into and that will change for them as they become older therefore it is crucial for them to understand now who they are and what God as a Father can mean to them. “So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith” (Gal. 3:26).

One of the unique components Camp Lake Louise offers and the Psalm68Five kids participate in is working to achieve their challenges. All of the kids at family camp are given 16 different challenges to complete over the course of the week such as going to Creation Station (craft time) every day, braving the Shark Sled (an inflatable sled pulled behind a speedboat on which you may or may not be tipped into the water), shooting a bow and arrow, playing disc golf and much more! The kids collect stickers as they accomplish each of the challenges and at the end of the week, they get to go on a special adventure, tailored to both age and interest level. They are acknowledged for their hard work and responsibility in making sure they do each of the challenges on the list and courage for trying new things. Then they receive a unique reward, something they probably would not normally do.

The Psalm68Five kids are also given a PB&J challenge, a curriculum specifically for them. The PB&J stands for Prayer, Bible & Journal. They are given a prayer journal filled with verses, questions to reflect on, and space to write. They meet with a gender-specific mentor each day to talk through the Scripture passage of the day and the reflection questions. If the kids complete the prayer journal challenge, they receive a free t-shirt of their choice from the camp store. They are also challenged to memorize 5 different verses over the course of the week that pertain to God being their Heavenly Father and His great love for each of them. Their mentors encourage and assist them in memorizing and reciting their verses. If they do so, they receive $20 camp store credit. These are difficult things to accomplish but it is also a joy because these kids get to open a Bible and see what God has to say to them personally. What is more incredible than watching them understand Scripture of the first time and beginning to store it away in their hearts?

By the grace of God, Psalm68Five has exceeded their expectations in the number of kids who have received scholarships to go to camp. Which is amazing because it is evident God is at work and is drawing the fatherless to Him. But it does mean we need YOUR help to continue to send these kids to a place where they can learn more about their Heavenly Father and how deep His love is for each of them. Would you consider sponsoring a child to go to a week of camp this summer? If so, please use the button below.


Thank you so much in your interest in supporting children growing up without fathers and through your prayers and gifts, helping them find hope and purpose as they are introduced to their Heavenly Father, Maker, and Friend.

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