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Year end 2022 update


Dear Friends,

Today, more than one in four children live in a home without a father. A pandemic, uncertain economy, rising crime rates – life is hostile toward kids. Imagine walking through all that with no dad. Life outcomes for the fatherless are worth concern and will continue to decline. They have no choice about the path they are given; they need help to find an alternate route.

“Alternate Route Found” is a message one sees on a map app that means a new direction is available to avoid problems that lie ahead. Wise travelers take the alternate route when it’s offered.

Psalm68five Ministries makes new directions possible.

Oscar Hammerstein once said, “It’s a modern-day tragedy that despair has so many spokesmen and hope so few.” Let’s change that reality.

Psalm68five helps provide hope to fatherless youth by sending them to Christian camps. In 2022, over 700 fatherless campers received scholarships to attend a life-changing week to learn about the Father heart of God. Additionally, Psalm68five provided resources and specific training to assist each camp in giving focused care for each fatherless child.

700 kids now travel a new route! Many more need a similar chance.

Every scholarship represents a story and Becky’s was one of impact. She was a camper who got along well with the other girls in her cabin. Her bright smile lit up every room she entered. No one could see that she was covering up immense inward pain. Thursday night around the campfire was filled with singing, dancing, and testimonies. Afterward, Becky asked her cabin leader, Taylor, if they could talk.

Time away creates space to open up – to others and to God.

As the rest of the campers got settled into bed, Becky and Taylor sat on the porch of their cabin and Becky shared that she has a hard time trusting God. Her father was absent from her life, and she felt like God was absent too. She shared how she’s always felt very insecure and had previously entertained suicidal thoughts. A sacred moment, indeed.

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed. PSALM 34:18

Taylor listened thoughtfully. She then shared how she came to learn the truth that we are all very special to God, that God sees each of us, and that God says special things about us. As they talked, Becky began to believe – for the first time – that God really does love her and accept her.

That night with the stars and heaven as witnesses, Becky put her faith and trust in Jesus. Taylor and Becky celebrated together through tears of joy.

But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God. JOHN 1:12

The following morning, Becky was baptized. Later that day, just hours before leaving camp, Becky began to cry. She wrapped her little arms around Taylor, and through tear-filled eyes said, “I’ve just never felt loved before now.” A donation last year created this summer’s opportunity for Becky – an investment to celebrate!

Your invitation: Join with other generous supporters to provide more opportunities.

Psalm68five partners with camps committed to helping children, growing up without a father, realize they have a special place in Gods heart. Becky now travels a new route through life feeling very loved, but many other fatherless youth still wait. Please help us to reach more.

Your support will provide new opportunities for the fatherless and it will help to continue building a fellowship of ministries that are committed to reaching kids who are often overlooked. 

A generous supporter pledged $75,000 challenge grant to encourage others to give. Will you accept his challenge? For every $375 we receive, a fatherless boy or girl will receive a camp scholarship and the opportunity to embrace a new identity and follow a new route:

See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are!1 JOHN 3:1

Please consider sending a gift before year’s end. When you do, your generosity will serve as an answer to many prayers. And you will become a spokesperson for hope!

Blessings to you and your family,


Bryan & Rebecca Johnson and the Psalm68five Board of Directors

P.S. Your gift will be applied dollar-for-dollar to meet the $75,000 challenge gift. 


Please send your gift by year end so we can notify camps about scholarship funds made possible by generous donors like you!

Use the button to give a donation:

A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. PSALM 68:5

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